Saturday, 17 June 2017

Difference between departments and Corporations

Department is headed by a minister, who is a politician. He is assisted by one or more deputy ministers.
A Corporation is headed by a board of directors, who are experts in their fields.

In a department both policies and day to day administration is the responsibility of the minister.
In a corporation general policies are determined by the government and routine day to day matters are decided by the board of directors

Departments have strict financial control over them      
Corporations have financial autonomy

Departmental staff is recruited by public service commission and governed by strict rules, regulations of the government
 Corporations have autonomy in the personnel matters and have their own rules and regulations regarding the staff matters.

In the department system, usually routine procedures of administration are followed.There is no scope for experimentation and there is no flexibility
In corporation system there is scope for experimentation and there is flexibility in making decisions.

There is direct political control over the departments through the minister.
There is no political control and less political interference in public corporations.

Department are large, traditional organisations useful for routine governement functions.
Corporations are useful for new economic and commercial functions of the government.